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The Blog of Gene Luen Yang
I'm Sick... I'll be missing the 2008 Spring Conference of the Colorado Language Arts Society, unfortunately. I'm really sorry to be missing this-- it sounds like it's going to be an inspired gathering of teachers, writers, and other logophiles. But this season's flu has really knocked me out, and if I go I'll end up being its Trojan Horse.

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Correction to Milpitas Event 
I just realized I made a mistake in the February Events post. I'll be visiting the Milpitas Library on WEDNESDAY 2/27, not Thursday. Sorry about that! I'm doing a presentation to their new Teen Book Club, but everyone is welcome. It starts at 4pm. Here's the address:

Milpitas Public Library
40 N. Milpitas Blvd.
Milpitas, CA.

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Chop Chop 

Over at his blog, Dr. K has been discussing Chop Chop , the Chinese mascot of DC Comics' superteam The Blackhawks. Chop Chop is an ancestor to my character Cousin Chin-kee. Anyone who is interested in the history of stereotypes will find these posts fascinating.

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First Second Books Creator Blog 
I put an entry up at First Second the blog this week. I talk about my recent AMAZING trip to France.

The First Second blog is hosting a series of creator entries. Go read the thoughts of comic book luminaries like Paul Pope, Brian Ralph, and Lark Pien!

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February Events 
On Saturday 2/16, I'll be doing a presentation at the SF Public Library, Chinatown Branch from 2:30 to 4pm. The library is located at 1135 Powell Street in San Francisco.

On Saturday 2/23, I'll be at WonderCon 2008, signing at the SLG Publishing booth. I'm also scheduled to do a panel about comics in education at some point on that day. I'll post details when I have it all figured out...

Finally, on Wednesday 2/27, I'll be doing a presentation at the Milpitas Public Library at 4pm. The address is 40 N. Milpitas Blvd., Milpitas, CA.

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