There are some amazing graphic novel memoirs out there -- I think nowadays it's the second most popular comics genre after superheroes -- but very few of them are appropriate for middle schoolers. Raina Telgemeier's Smile fills that gap brilliantly.
In her preteen years, Raina had a painful accident that robbed her of her two front teeth. This full-color, beautifully illustrated graphic novel details all the drama that followed, both inside and outside the dentist's office.
Raina's got a lovely, consistent style that I've always admired (and been a little jealous of)...bits of Lynn Johnston mixed in with a charm that's all her own. If your childhood best friend were a cartooning style, she would look like a line from Raina's pen.
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*Ta da!* Thanks to Ms. Robinson's class for providing this! I had a great time visiting you guys over Skype! You asked some awesome questions.
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SLG Publishing is having a sale! Everything's 25% off over at their website. This includes my books with them and Street Angel, my most favoritest SLG comic ever.
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WHAAAT??? I don't own a Kindle, so I'm really curious as to how a color graphic novel looks on a black-and-white display. I noticed that American Born Chinese isn't the only GN that's been Kindle-ized. Anyone have a photo they can share?
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It's been, what, four YEARS since I've done that? I don't even have Dreamweaver installed anymore so I had to use a text editor.
I've added The Eternal Smile, Prime Baby, and Animal Crackers to the Comics page. I've also updated the About page. If you find any misspellings or broken links, please let me know!
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