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This Saturday 9/18/10, I'll be joining Terry Moore, Barbara Slate, and Esther Pearl Watson for the Houston Public Library's Graphic Novel Day in Houston, Texas. I'll be doing an hour-long workshop on making comics. I'll also be part of a panel discussion on graphic novels. Details here.

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Mark Waid, the writer behind Irredeemable and many other awesome comics, just released a better-articulated version of an off-the-cuff keynote he made at the Harvey Awards. He talks about comics, creative products in general, and our new file-sharing culture.
I'm a worrier. It's something of a hobby. I read the latest numbers from the comics direct market or from traditional book publishing, and then I sit in my room and worry, worry, worry. Waid makes a good argument as to why I shouldn't do that.
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Quick! Go back in time to April, 26 2010! Then get yourself over to the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco where Andy Hartzell, Lark Pien, Dash Shaw and I have an awesome discussion about comics, the future, and the awesomeness of comics in the future.
WHAT?! What do you mean your time machine's in the shop?!
Well, good thing two geeks working at PayPal invented YouTube.
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The academic school year's starting up and I'm trying to hit a couple of comics deadlines... those are my excuses for why I haven't posted lately.
Here are some sketches I did for a one-pager I'm working on. It will eventually be published in an as-yet-unannounced anthology.

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