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The Blog of Gene Luen Yang
Prime Baby Chapter 2 

This week's Prime Baby is up over at The New York Times Magazine's Funny Pages!

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2008 Young Adult Literature Symposium 

Just got back from YALSA's very first Young Adult Literature Symposium ever. It was a pretty wonderful experience. I got to hang out with such YA lit luminaries as Barry Lyga, Kaza Kingsley, and Margaret Peterson Haddix. I even got to share the stage with Terry Trueman, an incredibly charming mixture of hyperactivity and genius, both in person and in letter.

Then, of course, there were the librarians. I think I'm going to start praying that one of my kids become a librarian the way old school Catholic parents used to pray that one of their kids become a nun or priest. I always come away from a room full of librarians feeling inspired.

Some folks at the conference asked about the Powerpoint I used during my pre-conference keynote. You can download it here for the next seven days.

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Prime Baby 

My latest project is up on the Funny Pages section of the New York Times Magazine today. It's a short story called Prime Baby, and it'll be serialized every Sunday for the next 18 weeks.

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Model Sheets 
Here are a couple of model sheets from an upcoming project of mine...

Should see the light of day in November 2008!

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SLG Publishing 

SLG Publishing one of my publishers. They put out Gordon Yamamoto and the King of the Geeks and Loyola Chin and the San Peligran Order, the two graphic novels I did before American Born Chinese. They're good folks who publish good comics. If you haven't checked them out before, do. And might I suggest Street Angel, my favorite SLG book of all time? (For you librarians and teachers out there, it's appropriate for 9th grade and up, imho.)

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