SLG Publishing is hosting a mini comics convention at their warehouse tomorrow (Saturday 11/13) from noon until 5pm. I'll be there, as will a number of SLG cartoonists. Thien Pham, my collaborator on Level Up, will be there, too! It'll be really intimate (read: small), which means you can come by and chat it up with a cartoonist for hours and hours and nobody will mind. It's also totally FREE! Come by if you can!
Here's the address:
577 S. Market Street
San Jose, CA 95113
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Life has once again gotten the best of me and I have fallen behind on my blog updates. In a couple of hours, I'll be speaking about how COMICS ARE INVADING AMERICA! at the Colorado Language Arts Society conference. I'm sitting in the swanky Inverness Hotel right now looking over my notes. I'm looking forward to it, but I wish I had posted about it earlier. Oh well.
On Tuesday 11/16, I'll be doing a presentation at 3pm at Cal State University, Sacramento. I'll post more details when I have them. Hopefully.
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In just two days, Ohio State's 2010 Festival of Cartoon Art begins! The festival's already sold out, but I thought I'd mention it anyway. I'll be speaking there on Saturday about American Born Chinese. There are going to be many, many awesome aspiring and professional cartoonists there, including Art Spiegelman, James Sturm, and Matt Groening!
Details and schedule here.
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In addition to the Graphic Novel Day activities I mention in the post below, I'll also be visiting the South Regional Library in the Woodlands, TX this Saturday. I'm going to talk about why I make comics. If you're in the area, please come, especially if you're a cartoonist or an aspiring cartoonist. Details here.
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This Saturday 9/18/10, I'll be joining Terry Moore, Barbara Slate, and Esther Pearl Watson for the Houston Public Library's Graphic Novel Day in Houston, Texas. I'll be doing an hour-long workshop on making comics. I'll also be part of a panel discussion on graphic novels. Details here.

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