I got these t-shirts made right before Comic-Con this year, but a friend of mine has finally helped me put them up on the web for sale.
The shirt was designed by my brother-in-law and features the Monkey King as he appears in American Born Chinese.
Available in all adult sizes for $18.50 each, shipping included!
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This past weekend, Angry Asian Man asked me to do a guest post over at his blog while he was on vacation. I wrote about the racially-insensitive-but-still-slightly-awesome Fu Chang, a Chinese-American funnybook detective from the Golden Age of comics.
If you're interested in reading the Fu Chang stories as they were originally published in Pep Comics, download them for free over at the Digital Comic Museum. You'll need to set up a login for yourself, but isn't a few minutes of inconvenience worth the hundreds of free, public domain comic book downloads? (Uh... Yes. In case you were wondering, the answer is yes.)
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In addition to the Graphic Novel Day activities I mention in the post below, I'll also be visiting the South Regional Library in the Woodlands, TX this Saturday. I'm going to talk about why I make comics. If you're in the area, please come, especially if you're a cartoonist or an aspiring cartoonist. Details here.
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This Saturday 9/18/10, I'll be joining Terry Moore, Barbara Slate, and Esther Pearl Watson for the Houston Public Library's Graphic Novel Day in Houston, Texas. I'll be doing an hour-long workshop on making comics. I'll also be part of a panel discussion on graphic novels. Details here.
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Mark Waid, the writer behind Irredeemable and many other awesome comics, just released a better-articulated version of an off-the-cuff keynote he made at the Harvey Awards. He talks about comics, creative products in general, and our new file-sharing culture.
I'm a worrier. It's something of a hobby. I read the latest numbers from the comics direct market or from traditional book publishing, and then I sit in my room and worry, worry, worry. Waid makes a good argument as to why I shouldn't do that.
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