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The Blog of Gene Luen Yang - Lark Pien's I AM TEN
Lark Pien's I AM TEN 

Bay Area cartooning phenom Lark Pien is having an exhibit at the Cartoon Art Museum in San Francisco! Details here. Lark's artwork is the perfect blend of cuddly and creepy... you really need to see it for yourself!

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November Events 
I've got three events in November.

On Tuesday, November 6th at 7pm, I'll be visiting the Lafayette Library as part of their "We The People" exhibit. Here's the address:

956 Moraga Road
Lafayette, CA

On Thursday, November 15th, I'll be at the California School Library Association conference in Ontario, CA. I'm doing a presentation on graphic novels from 3:30 to 5:30. Details here .

Finally, on Saturday, November 17th, I'll be talking about American Born Chinese at the Oakland Public Library at 11am. Here's the address:

125 14th Street
Oakland, CA

If you can come by to any of those, I'd love to see you!

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Amelia Rules! 

Amelia Rules creator Jimmy Gownley and I were on a panel together at Comic-Con International in July. He handed me a copy of Amelia Rules #13 then, and I finally got a chance to read it now. It's as sensitive a treatment of the Iraq War as you could hope for, with a good measure of pre-teen romance thrown in. Check it out!

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Best Lecture I've Ever Experienced 
Notice I didn't title this entry "Best Lecture I've Ever Heard." The president of our school forwarded this to me:

Beyond the immense importance of his topic, the lecturer here displays a deep understanding of multimedia communication. He brings together speech and text and animation to effectively convey an incredible amount of information in a relatively short period of time. A presentation like this simply wouldn't have been possible twenty years ago. This is how our students will need to communicate. This is what we as teachers need to train them for.

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National Book Festival 
Went to the National Book Festival this past weekend and it was absolutely amazing. Had breakfast at the White House, hung out with the ingenious M.T. Anderson, met Holly Black and David Weisman and Jacqueline Wilson and a whole host of brilliant authors, and even saw the Magic School Bus. (Unfortunately, it did not change into a bumblebee or anything.) I'm exhausted, but in a good way.

My one regret was getting to the Gala at the Library of Congress on Friday night too early. It was a fancy black-tie affair, and I'd heard horror stories about DC traffic, so I left about 45 minutes earlier than I should have. As luck would have it, there wasn't any traffic to speak of, so I got there an hour early. I whiled away the time standing awkwardly in the corner, making trips to the bathroom to check on my hair, and feigning interest in how the AV crew was handling the speaker set-up. Reminded me of being a 7th grader at junior high dances, not knowing the importance of fashionable lateness. But still, I got to have dinner at the Library of Congress, so I can't really complain.

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