Should see the light of day in November 2008!
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SLG Publishing one of my publishers. They put out Gordon Yamamoto and the King of the Geeks and Loyola Chin and the San Peligran Order, the two graphic novels I did before American Born Chinese. They're good folks who publish good comics. If you haven't checked them out before, do. And might I suggest Street Angel, my favorite SLG book of all time? (For you librarians and teachers out there, it's appropriate for 9th grade and up, imho.)
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*Enter usual apologies for not blogging more here.* I had a great September with a number of events I forgot to announce. I took part in the Totoro Forest Project, the Walnut Creek Library Festival, and Champlin Park High School's Red-Hot Rebel Reads program. That last event was especially fun. Champlin Park is an enormous high school just outside of the Twin Cities in Minnesota. The entire school community had read American Born Chinese before I got there, and I did a bunch of school assemblies and classroom visits. The staff and students were incredibly enthusiastic.
So now it's October. I've got one event coming up in Florida. I'll be visiting the Florida Center for the Literary Arts at Miami Dade college. There, I'll be doing a public presentation at:
Books and Books
265 Argon Ave
Coral Gables, FL
If you're in the neighborhood, come by for a visit!
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It's been a crazy summer, and I fell off the blogging wagon. Sorry! I went to China, taught comics at an art college, went to Comic-Con, and took our preschooler and our toddler camping with the in-laws. Everything was really fun, everything was really tiring.
But I'm (hopefully) back! I'm going part-time at my day job this coming school year so that I can devote more of my hours to comics. I don't have any events in the near future to tell you about, but I do have a web destination I think you should check out: Derek Kirk Kim's Website! He's revamped it and now has all sorts of goodies up for folks to browse. Check it out! Here's an image from our upcoming book The Eternal Smile, as an example of the things of beauty you'll find over there:

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I received word yesterday that Rory Root, the owner of Comic Relief in Berkeley, passed away. I first met Rory over ten years ago, when I'd just started making comics. Since then, he has carried every issue of every comic I've ever done, whether it was hand-stapled or professionally printed. He offered me advice, encouragement, and insight at every step of my career. And I know I wasn't the only one. Many, many cartoonists first set foot in the comics industry by putting a photocopied mini-comic on the shelves of Rory's shop. Rory supported and respected creators, regardless of the size of their print runs.
His generosity wasn't limited to cartoonists. When my wife, a fourth grade teacher, needed a class set of comics for a reading activity, Rory handed her a box of Spider-mans, free of charge.
I'm still in shock. Rory was such an integral part of the comics world, it's difficult to imagine going to a convention without bumping into him. He will be missed.
(Photo stolen from Tom Spurgeon's excellent Comics Reporter)
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